Converting the creatures of the forest to his cause, Chen leads his makeshift armies to aid his team in battle. He assaults enemies with beasts while sending friends to safety. Then, when things seem darkest, he heals his allies wherever they may be.
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Born in the godless Hazhadal Barrens, Chen came of age among the outlaw tribes who eked out an existence in the shimmering heat of the desert. Using an ancient form of animal enthrallment, Chen's people husbanded the hardy desert locuthi, a stunted species of burrowing dragon that melted desert sands into tubes of glass where twice-a-year rains collected. Always on the edge of starvation and thirst, fighting amongst their neighbors and each other, Chen's clan made the mistake, one fateful day, of ambushing the wrong caravan. In the vicious battle that followed, Chen's clan was outmatched. The armored Knights of the Fold made short work of the enthralled locuthi, who attacked and died in waves. With their dragons dead, the tribesmen followed. Chen struggled, and slashed, and clawed, and perished--or would have. Defeated, on his knees, he faced his execution with humility, offering his neck to the blade. Moved by Chen's obvious courage, the executioner halted his sword. Instead of the blade, Chen was given a choice: death or conversion. Chen took to the faith with a ferocity. He joined the Fold and earned his armor one bloody conversion at a time. Now, with the fanaticism of a convert, and with his powers of animal enthrallment at their peak, he seeks out unbelievers and introduces them to their final reward.Close History
Close HistoryThis hero's innate ability is Summon Convert.
Summon Convert
Chen summons a convert to fight for him. The convert gains bonuses from Holy Persuasion and dies if Chen dies. Its maximum health is set to 220 + 80 per Chen Level.
Forces an enemy unit to move slower and for allies to attack it more quickly. Chen can attack the Penitence target with bonus attack range.
Holy Persuasion
Chen takes control of an enemy or neutral creep and receives a percentage of its bounty. Its maximum health is set to 400 + 50 per Chen Level. Converted creeps will have increased movement speed and bonus damage.
Divine Favor
Passively provides an aura that grants increased health regeneration. Can be cast on allies to provide them with bonus armor and increasing the healing and health regeneration they receive.
Hand of God
Heals all allied heroes on the map as well as all units under Chen's control. A large heal is applied at first and a slow heal over time is applied for 10 seconds afterwards.